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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Improper Methylation and Histamine Imbalance may be affecting your mental health

Are you grappling with symptoms of anxiety, depression, or fatigue? If these challenges resonate with you, delve into the following to explore a natural remedy.

This article sheds light on the critical role of methylation and its pervasive impact on daily well-being.

Why is Methylation Vital?

DNA methylation serves as an epigenetic mechanism that regulates gene expression within cells. This biological process involves the addition of methyl groups (CH3) to the DNA molecule, thereby altering gene function and expression.

A prime example of methylation is the addition of a methyl group to folate, converting it into its active form, 5-MTHF. Unlike synthetic folic acid, our bodies effectively utilize this active form for various physiological processes. The dynamic process of adding or removing methyl groups is instrumental in gene expression, enabling the activation or deactivation of genes, a key facet of epigenetics. This mechanism holds particular relevance for individuals with common genetic mutations like MTHFR.

DNA methylation underpins numerous bodily functions, including nervous system regulation, cardiovascular health, immune responses, energy metabolism, heavy metal detoxification, and hormonal equilibrium.

Methylation and Mental Well-being

The methylation cycle profoundly impacts both mental and physical health, notably in neurotransmitter production, such as serotonin. Research suggests that serotonin, a pivotal neurotransmitter, influences epigenetic regulation through chromatin remodeling triggered by its receptor binding.

Individuals with compromised methylation status may experience mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and autoimmune conditions. Given the integral role of neurotransmitters in brain function, imbalances in serotonin levels are often associated with various mental health disorders, particularly depression and bipolar disorder.

DNA methylation alterations are not only linked to mental health conditions but also to autoimmune diseases, cancer, and neurological disorders.

MTHFR Gene Mutation + Methylation

Individuals with the MTHFR gene mutation may encounter challenges in converting folic acid into its active form since folic acid is a synthetic variant of folate. This subgroup may experience a deficiency in methyl folate and could potentially face methyl trapping due to folic acid consumption. Notably, folic acid intake can impede the absorption of methyl folate by blocking folate receptors.

Histamine: In terms of histamine regulation, the addition of a methyl group facilitates the conversion of homocysteine, a marker for inflammation and cardiovascular disease, into methionine. Methionine, an amino acid, aids in histamine detoxification through methylation.


Epigenetics, a field of study exploring how environmental factors and behaviors can influence an individual's genetic expression, highlights the reversible nature of these alterations, which can modulate gene functioning. While these genetic modifications can be reversed, some researchers suggest that they may leave enduring impacts. For instance, changes in methylation patterns induced by toxic stress have the potential to induce various diseases and mental health disorders, resulting in long-term consequences for both mental and physical well-being.


Example above.

Proper DNA methylation in the body is imperative for proper mental functioning.

Changes to the brain and methylation status are critical considerations in the context of mental health disorders prevalent among adult survivors of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). ACEs significantly contribute to epigenetic alterations, potentially leading to aberrant methylation levels, which can manifest as a range of mental and physical health issues.

Noteworthy mental health conditions linked to childhood trauma and environmental stressors encompass anxiety, depression, personality disorders (such as borderline personality disorder), PTSD, OCD, schizophrenia, suicide, and bipolar disorder. Importantly, these mental health challenges often coincide with physical health complications.

Moreover, these disorders may also stem from sudden insults, particularly impacting individuals with heightened oxidative stress susceptibility. Oxidative stress, characterized by an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body, can induce cellular and tissue damage. This elevated oxidative stress state can be a consequence experienced by children who have endured ACEs.

If you are not familiar with ACEs:
 These experiences have immediate and future consequences.

   Adverse Childhood Experiences are grouped into three categories. 

Abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction are the three main categories of ACEs.

Toxic Stress

Toxic stress plays a part in the body’s ability to fight off infections, even changing DNA
to a detriment. This type of stress can cause epigenetic insults to a person’s DNA.

Prolonged exposure to toxic stress can have enduring effects on the body, inducing a continual state of heightened stress. This stress can originate from ongoing exposure to trauma or adverse childhood experiences.

The persistent presence of toxic stress renders the body vulnerable, leading to a perpetual state of alertness, hormonal imbalances, and potential alterations in brain development, such as the emergence of personality disorders. However, the presence of a supportive environment can mitigate the impact of stressors, even those of a toxic nature.

In cases where a child lacks a supportive environment and possesses genetic predispositions to health and mental health issues, the repercussions can be severe. It is essential to recognize that adverse childhood experiences can contribute to diminished self-esteem, a factor that can precipitate further challenges in both physical and mental well-being.

Variables like a history of illness, underperformance in academics against caregiver expectations, exposure to stress and trauma, and individual personality traits all significantly influence the development of either healthy or poor self-esteem.

                    What does this mean?

A person's methylation status plays a crucial role in influencing their physical and mental well-being. When methylation processes are compromised and contribute to health issues, there are methods available to enhance functionality.

By adopting appropriate measures, individuals can attain optimal methylation for mental health and potentially achieve epigenetic reprogramming. Essential dietary adjustments, nutrient intake, and environmental modifications are vital for enhancing overall functionality.

Focusing on methylation through nutrient therapy and environmental alterations can significantly improve clients' quality of life and potential.

To achieve the desired methylation status for both mental and physical well-being, it is essential to address methylation through epigenetic interventions. Altering an individual's diet, environment, and lifestyle behaviors are crucial steps toward correcting methylation imbalances.


  1. Effective treatment necessitates a holistic approach encompassing methylation support, dietary adjustments (utilizing advanced nutrient therapies), and environmental modifications to address mental health concerns (Reference: Dr. Walsh).
  2. Dietary modifications to enhance methylation status, whether it is under or overactive, can impact neurotransmission and influence mood regulation.
  3. Adapting our surroundings to support methylation processes can influence inflammation levels, physical well-being, and daily productivity.
  4. Optimal DNA methylation plays a pivotal role in promoting longevity and overall well-being.
  5. Upon completion of the treatment regimen, clients are expected to experience a reduction in mental health challenges.

I have witnessed the efficacy of these protocols. Tailoring an advanced nutrient therapy plan based on an individual's methylation profile and implementing environmental adjustments has proven to alleviate symptoms in individuals with anxiety, depression, low energy, bipolar disorder, Cluster B and Cluster C personality disorders, PTSD, and autoimmune conditions, among others.

For personalized treatment plans or therapy inquiries, please feel free to reach out via direct message.


Tracy Dawn







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